Five For Friday - A Crafty Week and a Freebie

Friday, April 25, 2014
I made a new product last weekend.  My son is still trying to learn his abc's so I created a Cut and Paste Letter Sorting Activity.  I think it turned out adorable.  If you would like the first page head on over here to grab a copy for free.
My youngest son and I got really crafty at the beginning of the week.  We decided to try our hand at making some watercolor paints.  I really wanted the liquid kind that you just add to water, but they are so expensive and I couldn't bring myself to buy any.  We got the idea from here for homemade watercolor paints.  They turned out so well I think we'll do this again in the future when we run out of paint.  I got the containers at the dollar tree.  I wish they were smaller, but it's all I could find.
With the watercolor paints we created some of our own watercolor birds.  I found this blog that is new to me on Pinterest the other day.  She has so many crafty projects, a lot of them with watercolor, and they're even organized by grade.  I spent so much time on her site the other day and pinned a bunch of things.  Anyways, we got the idea for the birds from her.  They're based on James Rizzi paintings.  I think they turned out so cute.  I painted one and my littlest son painted the other.  He loved it!  Sorry that the pictures a little dark.  I need a better camera, but don't know what to get. 
I've also been working all week on creating some of my own doodle kids.  I made over 40 of them.  I love how they turned out.  I'm just not sure if I'll sell them or not because they're similar to what others make. I don't want anyone to think I'm copying, but I'll use them for myself.  What do you think?  Should I sell them or not?
This week has been so crazy.  I've barely been home at all this week.  I've been substitute teaching most of the week.  Wednesdays I volunteer in my son's class, which is always fun.  I even got to substitute in his class which was great.  I'd gotten called to substitute for every day of the week except Wednesday.  I try to take that day off because it's early release and my son would have to go the Boys and Girls club.  He hates it there.  I ended up turning down a job just so I could have a day off.  My father in law is coming today and I needed one day to stay home and get the house cleaned!  Anyways, it's been a crazy, but fun filled week.


  1. So much good stuff on your five for friday!!! I just wish listed your letter sorting. I teach a lot of english language learners in K and that would be great for the beginning of the year! Thanks for passing along the water color recipe- pinned that for sure! Your water color painting are awesome- I'm going to try to work that in before the end of the year. And YES- I think you should sell your clipart. I've never seen kids with the stick arms and legs. Very cute!

    The Land of I Can

    1. Thank you so much for all your kind comments. It made my day.

  2. I am heading over to check out the letter sorting pack right now. I am out of ideas for the lower students in my class who are still really really struggling with letters. We have done so many letter activities at this point, I need to get really creative!

    The Big Apple Teacher

  3. Ummmm, YES- sell those kids! I've never seen any like them and I have a LOT of clip art! I am going over to your shop now to follow it so I'll be notified when you post them!
    :) Dana
    Common to the Core

    1. So, I went ahead and decided to sell them. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  4. I love the diy watercolors! I have been a huge fan of Deep Space Sparkle for a few years. Glad you found her!!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

  5. I love how creative you are with your crafts.


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